Andermatt Brazil 2024 Convention

The Andermatt Brazil 2024 Convention held at Mavsa Resort in Cesário Lange, São Paulo in May was an inspiring and pivotal event for our team at Andermatt Brazil. With the theme “Focus, Strength, and Faith,” the convention served as a crucial opportunity to align our objectives, motivate our team and foster a sense of unity. It was an occasion to celebrate our achievements and strategically plan the next steps for continuous growth. 

In attendance was Andermatt Group CEO, Daniel Zingg, and Director of Business  Development, Dr. Graeme Gowling. Their participation provided a global perspective with valuable insights into the agricultural market and Andermatt’s global portfolio, enhancing our passion for the quality products we sell and the customers we serve.  Daniel Zingg further highlighted the trust and unwavering support from our headquarters in Switzerland, which was extremely motivating. 

This convention marked the third in Brazil, a project initiated by Andermatt Brazil CEO,  Carlos Gajardoni who envisioned the “Andermatt Way.” 

andermatt brasil convention 2024

‘As we navigate the challenges ahead,  especially those impacting our growers in regions like Rio Grande do Sul and the cerrado, our convention theme, “Focus, Strength, and Faith,” will guide us. We are committed to overcoming difficulties with  resilience and intelligence, always  keeping our goals and a promising future  in sight.’
– Carlos Garjardoni 

In summary, the Andermatt 2024  Convention was a resounding success,  providing invaluable insights, motivation,  and a sense of unity that will drive us forward. 

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From left to right: Daniel Zingg – Andermatt Group CEO, Dr Graeme Gowling – Andermatt Group Director Business Development and Carlos Gajardoni – Andermatt Brazil CEO.

The following award recipients were recognised for continuously raising the standards  of excellence and their contributions to the success of Andermatt Brazil:

Guilherme Brugnolo | “Unshakable Faith”
Unwavering faith in people, processes, and the organization’s potential.

Giovana Drevin | “Ambassador of Hope”
Resilience and optimism that inspires everyone.

Daniel Zingg | “Andermatt Way Ambassador”
Promoting the “Andermatt Way” globally.

Daniela Santos | Regional Manager – South
Extraordinary performance in the internal sales campaign for Nembac and Phosbac.

Lucas Araújo | Sales Representative – Cerrados
Extraordinary performance in the internal sales campaign for Nembac and Phosbac.

Samuel Oliveira | Market Development
Extraordinary performance in the internal sales campaign for Nembac and Phosbac.

Dr Graeme Gowling | “Andermatt Brazil Unique Contribution to Growth”
Commitment to the growth and expansion of Andermatt Brazil.

Josenilton Martinucci | “Tireless Determination”
Exemplary persistence, dedication, and proactivity.

Laecio Sampaio | “Visionary Strategist”
Implementation of CPAs and EPAs, and strategic skills.

Fernanda Amaral | “Andermatt Highlight”
Leadership and achievement in the marketing department.

Alex Ananias | “Unmatched Persistence”
Commitment and dedication, exceeding expectations.

Maitê Tucholski |  “Unmatched Resilience”
Adaptation to new cities and challenges, exceptional performance.

“The event was internally organized by the Andermatt Brazil marketing team. It was a proud moment, and I feel honored to have led this event for the third consecutive year.”

Coordenadora de Marketing | Andermatt do Brasil


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